Dan Vermeer
Dr. Daniel Vermeer is an Associate Professor and the Fuqua School of Business, and also directs Duke University's Center for Energy, Development, and the Global Environment (EDGE), an initiative focused on accelerating the global transition toward a more sustainable energy system, economy, and society. EDGE helps to develop the thought leadership, educational programming, and external partnerships needed to create and scale promising energy and sustainability solutions.
At Duke, Vermeer teaches graduate classes in the business of energy and environment, conducts research, and consults with leading companies and organizations. His areas of expertise include water management, sustainable agriculture, value chains, resource productivity, efficiency, product certification, and low-carbon development. Vermeer joined Duke from The Coca-Cola Company, where he led the company’s Global Water Sustainability Initiative.
Dr. Vermeer plays a leading public role in advocating for business sustainability through speaking, research, and institution-building. He is the founder of the Global Water Challenge, co-author of the CEO Water Mandate, and lead contributor to policy documents issued through the World Economic Forum, World Business Council for Sustainable Development, and the United Nations Foundation.